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Why do I get .perldb alias syntax error when trying to display source?

I would like to display whole source code of perl script. Following line was added to .perldb:

$DB::alias{'code'} = 'l 1+99999;';

the .perldb chmod is set to 700. After issuing my alias I get following error:

  DB<1> code
Number found where operator expected at (eval 8)[/usr/share/perl5/perl5db.pl:2312] line 1, near "l 1"
    (Do you need to predeclare l?)
Couldn't evaluate `code' alias: syntax error at (eval 8)[/usr/share/perl5/perl5db.pl:2312] line 1, near "l 1"

alias seems to be loaded correctly:

  DB<2> =
code    l 1+100;

EDIT : When I define alias using '=' command it works as expected:

 DB<2> = code l 1+99999
shcd    = l 1+99999

  DB<3> =
code    l 1+99999

what I am doing wrong?

You have to declare the alias code and remove that content with the command you want to run. So inside the .perldb do a substitution command to get it, like:

$DB::alias{ 'code' } = 's/^.*$/l 1+99999/';

And then in the debugger use:

DB<100> code

And it will output the whole code of the script (if has less lines that one hundred thousand :-)

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