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illegal argument exception in url

i want to request wfc service by using url and i add three parameter in url it was error in run time illegal argument exception

String myUrl;
    myUrl = String.format(" Location=%s&GROUP=%s&asondate=%s",items,items1,finalDate);


07-03 10:04:31.602: E/AndroidRuntime(2790): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity
  ComponentInfo{com.androidhive.innovate/com.androidhive.innovate.AndroidJSONParsingActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 49: Location=ArihantWanarpet&GROUP=ArihantShowroom&asondate=2013-07-03

You've got a space in your URL, after the ? . Get rid of it, and I suspect you'll fine all is well. So this:

" Location=%s&GROUP=%s&asondate=%s"



Do this: 在此输入图像描述


String myUrl;
myUrl = String.format(" Location=%s&GROUP=%s&asondate=%s",items,items1,finalDate);
String url = URLEncoder.encode(myUrl, utf-8); 

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