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sqldriverconnect in c++ failed to connect to local database sql 2008

can someone here kindly help? I am trying to connect to sql server 2008 in c++ by using SqlDriverConnect. Here is my code:

SQLTCHAR *srv = (SQLTCHAR *) "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=bbData;Data Source=NBK-EMMAY";
SQLRETURN rc = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, srv, strlen((char*)srv),
                                (SQLWCHAR*)OutConnStr, 255, &OutConnStrLen, SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT);

Note, the srv string is created and verified by the .udl file. I have tried various options, but seems I can go nowhere. Many thanks in advance!

You using an OleDb connection string, not an ODBC connection string. SqlDriverConnect in an ODBC function, it won't work with an OleDb provider.

Try using the following connection string:

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=JBK-EMMAY;Database=bbData;Trusted_Connection=yes;

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