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Multiple comparison of string variable in perl

I'm trying make some kind of bash-like case statement in perl by using only if operator.

my $var = shift @ARGV;
print "err\n" if (!$var || ($var ne "one") || ($var ne "two"));

The problem is, that 'if' statement does not work as expected. For example, if I pass as input 'one' or 'two' it prints 'err', but, if I swap 'ne' with 'eq' script works correctly.

perl version 5.16.3 linux

Read up on De Morgan's laws :

not($p && $q) == (!$p || !$q)
not($p || $q) == (!$p && !$q)

If the only allowed values are "one" or "two" , then you could write:

print "err\n"
  unless defined $var
     and $var eq "one" || $var eq "two";

If you want to use ne , then:

print "err\n"
  if ! defined $var
  or $var ne "one" && $var ne "two";

These two forms are equivalent. If you have more than two allowed strings, it gets much easier and more efficient by using a hash:

my %allowed;
@allowed{"one", "two"} = ();

print "err\n" unless defined $var and exists $allowed{$var};

The problem with your code was: When or-ing multiple conditions together, it is sufficient for any one sub-condition to be true for the whole condition to be true.

Given an undef or other false value, !$var is true.
Given the string "one" , the $var ne "two" is true.
Given any other string, the $var ne "one" is true.

Therefore, ($var ne "one") || ($var ne "two") ($var ne "one") || ($var ne "two") is always true.

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