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writing a function that needs Class.class as a parameter in java

I want to write a function that needs a Class.class as a parameter


class MyObject{

  public whatTypeGoesHer MyFunction(something1, something2){
//do something with parameters


class MyObject1{
      MyObject object = new MyObject();

       MyObject1 object2 = object.MyFunction(MyObject1.class,something else);


this type of invokation is what i want to achieve, how do i define "MyFunction" to accept this type of parameter?

what should be instead of "whatTypeGoesHere"?


Let me rephrase the question

  1. i want to deserialize classes from JSON using GSON however, i find myself writing the exact same methods in every class i want to deserialize with the difference of the class name

this is my code:

public static User fromJSON(String json, Class<?> className) {
    GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
    User g1 = builder.create();
    User user = g1.fromJson(json, className.getClass());
    return user;

and its invokation in the used class

User user =   User.fromJSON(json,User.class);

I want to put the "fromJSON" method to some utils class, because in every class it is EXACTLY the same,with the difference of the class name that it returns

how do i do that?

You need a parameter of type Class<?> :

public void myFunction(Class<?> something1, SomeOtherType something2)

You should go through Reflection Tutorial

Do you mean something like this:

  public <T> void MyFunction(Class<T> something1, SomeOtherType  something2){
  // T= type parameter inside method

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