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Chrome extension schedule eventPage to get data from server

I developed a Chrome extension which get's data from the server (like rss reader) and because the data always updatable I want to get the data periodically so I set the files as below:


"permissions": [
"background": {
    "scripts": ["scripts/lib/jquery-1.9.1.min.js", "scripts/app/eventPage.js"],
    "persistent": false

eventPage.js :
var url = ".....=?";

function getJSONData() {
    $.getJSON(this.url, function (data) {
    var newItems = [];
    newItems = data.query.results.item;
    localStorage.setItem("savedJSONData", JSON.stringify(newItems));

chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function (alarm) {
    if (alarm.name == 'getNewJobs') {

// Create the alarm:
chrome.alarms.create('getNewJobs', {
    periodInMinutes: 30

After I get the new data from the server I store them in localStorage and in the popup I read from localStorage.

The problem is that the event page become inactive after 20 seconds or so, and the alarms doesn't fire.

Any suggestions,


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