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Find list of keywords in string

So I have a list of key words and I'm trying to check if any of those words are found in a line in my csv sheet, if present, it should be marked. The code I have works perfectly except when the line has more than one of those keywords, it won't be marked. Thoughts?

import sys
import csv
nk = ('aaa','bbb','ccc')
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter = '\t')
    for row in reader:
        if any(word in string for word in nk):
            print '\t'.join(row)
            print '\t'.join(row)

Thanks in advance!

Use set intersection to get all the common words:

nk = {'aaa','bbb','ccc'}
seen = set()             #keep as track of items seen so far in this set
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    for row in reader:
        #update `seen` with the items found common between `nk` and the current `row`

Don't convert row to a string( string=str(row) ), in operator works fine with lists as well and behaves differently than string's in :

>>> strs = "['foo','abarc']"
>>> 'bar' in strs            #substring search
>>> lis = ['foo','abarc']    #item search
>>> 'bar' in lis

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