
I want to split string based on multiple delimiters

I have tried "property == Test property1 != Test1".split("[==!=]") and "property == Test property1 != Test1".split("['==''!=']")

but it is splitting based on '=' not '=='.

please help me out

Since split takes a regex , you can use | ( OR operator ):

String[] splitted = myString.split("==|!=");

perhaps I'm not understanding your question but why aren't you just doing "property == Test".split("==") ? If your intention is to use regex then you can group your matches and separate them with an | (or) as in "property == Test".split("(==)|(!=)")

Write a multi-character regex alternative using | alternative operator, not a [] character specifier. Character specifiers specify how to match a single character only.

String[] results = input.split( "(==|!=)");


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