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Ignoring or removing line breaks python

I'm sorry for the noobish question, but none of the answers I've looked at seem to fix this. I'd like to take a multi-line string like this:

myString = """a

And get a result that looks like or that is at least interpreted as this:

myString = "abcde"

myString.rstrip(), myString.rstrip(\\n), and myString.rstrip(\\r) don't seem to change anything when I print this little "abcde" test string. Some of the other solutions I've read involve entering the string like this:

myString = ("a"

But this solution is impractical because I'm working with very large sets of data. I need to be able to copy a dataset and paste it into my program, and have python remove or ignore the line breaks.

Am I entering something in wrong? Is there an elegant solution to this? Thanks in advance for your patience.

Use the replace method:

myString = myString.replace("\n", "");

For example:

>>> s = """
>>> s.replace("\n", "")
>>> s
'\ntest\ntest\ntest\n' # warning! replace does not alter the original
>>> myString = """a
... b
... c
... d
... e"""
>>> ''.join(myString.splitlines())

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