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How to split specific string by delimiter

i am having problems with splitting string with this name inside: Aix-en-Provence

String possibilities are:

Aix-en-Provence-Test2 Test2-Aix-en-Provence

I would like to split string dynamically with delmiter ('-') to get Aix-en-Provence and Test2 seperated.

How to? I was trying with Regex.execute with different patterns but unsuccessful. I am parsing data in Javascript.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

You can try something like this:

function mySplit(myString, splitString, protectString){
    var specialString = 'somespecialchar';
    var r = new RegExp('(^|-)('+protectString+')(-|$)');
    var a = myString.replace(r, '$1'+specialString+'$3').split('-');
    a.forEach(function(e, i, a){
        if (e == specialString) a[i] = protectString;
    return a;
mySplit('Aix-en-Provence-Test2', '-', 'Aix-en-Provence');
mySplit('Test2-Aix-en-Provence', '-', 'Aix-en-Provence');

The function is far from perfect, you should escape regex special chars from "protectString" but it does the job for your strings.

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