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Convert SQL Date time format to String

when reading SQl Date time field , only i can take the date with time ..how to get only date in to text box from Ajax or some method.

this is what i need to do


that's how I'm taking the date to text box.

    protected void ddlBatch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        const String strQuery = "select ItemIdentityCode, Qty, PurchasingPrice, ExpireDate, DiscountRate, IssueMode,  Principle, Force from DEL_PurchasesLines where BatchNumber = @BatchNumber";
        SqlConnection conPR = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
        SqlCommand cmdPR = new SqlCommand();
        cmdPR.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BatchNumber", ddlBatch.SelectedItem.Value);
        cmdPR.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        cmdPR.CommandText = strQuery;
        cmdPR.Connection = conPR;
            SqlDataReader sdr = cmdPR.ExecuteReader();
            while (sdr.Read())

                tHFExpiaryDate.Text = sdr["ExpireDate"].ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)
            //throw ex;


Don't convert the raw value to a string in the first place - it should already be a DateTime:

DateTime date = (DateTime) dsr["ExpireDate"];

Then you can convert it into whatever format you're interested in:

// TODO: Consider specifying the culture too, or specify a standard pattern.
tHFExpiaryDate.Text = date.ToString("MM/d/yyyy");

It's important to separate the question of "How can I get the data from the database in an appropriate type?" from "How should I present the data to the user?"

Try something like:

DateTime.ParseExact(sdr["ExpireDate"].ToString(), "MM/d/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

In your sample:

tHFExpiaryDate.Text = DateTime.ParseExact( ((DateTime)dt.Rows[0][0]).ToString("MM/d/yyyy"), "MM/d/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).ToString("MM/d/yyyy"));

This always works for me

protected String getDate(string date)
    DateTime dDate;
    string sdate = null;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date.ToString()))
        dDate = DateTime.Parse(date.ToString());
        sdate = dDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
        sdate = dDate.ToLongDateString();
    return sdate;

Other date format example http://www.dotnetperls.com/datetime-format

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