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Extracting Values From Two-Level XML List Into SQL Column

I have an SQL server 2008 database from which I am extracting multiple values from various tables to put into a single table. Among these values is some data pulled from XML that until recently was stored on a single level like so:


I would extract the necessary information with the following method:

   Name = IXML.value('(./Name)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
   Value = IXML.value('(./Value)[1]', 'varchar(20)')
INTO dbo.newTable
FROM dbo.oldTable
CROSS APPLY oldTable.InfoXML.nodes('/XMLData/item') Book(IXML)

Which would return:

Name    Value
Name1   Value1
Name2   Value2
Name3   Value3
Name4   Value4

However, now the XML list has been altered and is generated within another list like so:


And I need to generate the information to look like this:

Name    Value    Category
Name1   Value1   Cat1
Name2   Value2   Cat1
Name3   Value3   Cat1
Name4   Value4   Cat2
Name5   Value5   Cat2
Name6   Value6   Cat3
Name7   Value7   Cat3

How would I go about modifying my query to accommodate the change in structure? Any help is appreciated.

You can do it with nested nodes() methods:

    I.C.value('(Name)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Name,
    I.C.value('(Value)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Value,
    C.C.value('(CatName)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Category
-- into dbo.newTable
from dbo.oldTable as T
    cross apply T.InfoXML.nodes('XMLData/Category') as C(C)
    cross apply C.C.nodes('Item') as I(C)

Or use parent axis ( .. ):

    I.C.value('(Name)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Name,
    I.C.value('(Value)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Value,
    I.C.value('(../CatName)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Category
-- into dbo.newTable
from dbo.oldTable as T
    cross apply T.InfoXML.nodes('XMLData/Category/Item') as I(C)

sql fiddle example

update :

    I.C.value('(Name)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Name,
    I.C.value('(Value)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Value,
    C.C.value('(CategoryName)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Category
from dbo.oldTable as T
    outer apply T.InfoXML.nodes('XMLData/LongDirectory/Category/Item') as C(C)
    outer apply C.C.nodes('SubCategory/Item') as I(C)

sql fiddle example

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