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Passing comma delimited string to stored procedure?

I have this stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspPages_HotelPrices_Lookup_Select] 
    @HotelCode nvarchar(100)

    SELECT * 
    FROM tPages_HotelPrices_Lookup 
    WHERE HotelCode IN (SELECT * FROM DBO.ufSplit(@HotelCode, ',')) 

DBO.ufsplit splits a comma delimited string and returns a table of which each row containing each of the comma separated values.

I am passing a string to this stored procedure with the code below:

static void Main(string[] args)
    HotelCodesTableAdapter hcTa = new HotelCodesTableAdapter();
    DestinationMarketingEntity.HotelCodesDataTable hotelCodesDt = hcTa.GetData();

    string hotelCodesString = "";
    //Comma separating hotel codes and putting each word in '' to be passed to sql sproc as a list
    for (int i = 0; i < hotelCodesDt.Count; i++)
        hotelCodesString += hotelCodesDt.Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString() + ",";

    hotelCodesString = hotelCodesString.TrimEnd(',');

    HiltonEEHotelPricesTableAdapter hEETa = new HiltonEEHotelPricesTableAdapter();
    WorldWideFeedEntity.HiltonEEHotelPricesDataTable hEEDt= hEETa.GetData(hotelCodesString);

The last line is where the stored procedure is being called.

Essentially hotelCodesString will be similar to "1,2,3" but this is returning nothing form this stored procedure. But if I run the below:

select * 
from tPages_HotelPrices_Lookup 
  where HotelCode IN 
FROM DBO.ufSplit('1,2,3',',')

It gets back everything that I want. Am I missing something here? Why will it not return anything when passing from values with c#?

Don't do the split at all. Create a table valued parameter and pass this to your stored procedure. Then change your stored procedure to join to the table valued parameter.

Your sproc will end up looking like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspPages_HotelPrices_Lookup_Select] 
    @HotelCodes dbo.MyCodesTable READONLY

    SELECT * 
    FROM tPages_HotelPrices_Lookup a 
    INNER JOIN @HotelCodes b ON (a.ID = b.ID)

There are lots of good examples of using table values parameters on SO and the internet. A good method to get used to.

You can try doing the split in C# instead of at the db level.

 string[] m_separators = new string[] { "," };
 string[] m_stringarray = somestring.Split(m_separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Or follow the examples on SO regarding passing an array to a stored proc. It is probably what you want to do anyway.

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