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How do I pass an object created in one class to another in java?

I'm trying to develop an online hotel booking system. I have the main class which takes input from the user such as their name, their payment information, and other data fields and makes a Reservation object using that information. I have another class called Room that has a list of Reservations for each Room object. The problem I am having is I can't figure out a way to add the Reservation object into the list in the Room object. Here is some of the code:

public class HotelReservationSystem
    private Reservation reservation;

    public void makeReservation(int checkIn, int checkOut)//Other parameters
        reservation = new Reservation(checkIn, checkOut);

public class Room
    private ArrayList<Reservation> reservations;

    public void addReservation(//parameters?)

I don't know how to get the new Reservation object to be passed as a parameter for the add method in the Room class. I just can't wrap my head around it and was hoping for someone to help jog my thinking process.

Thanks for your help.

Let makeReservation return the created Reservation object:

 public Reservation makeReservation(int checkIn, int checkOut)//Other parameters
    reservation = new Reservation(checkIn, checkOut);
    return reservation;

(You could also create a getter for reservation )

Then change your addReservation like this:

public void addReservation(Reservation res)

And then just add it like this:

HotelReservationSystem hrs = new HotelReservationSystem();
Reservation res = hrs.makeReservation();
Room room = new Room();

However, you might want to rethink your model. Right now your HotelReservationSystem is creating a reservation and only saves that one, overwriting old ones. What happens if you create more than one? Also how can you get the reservations for a certain room given the HotelReservationSystem object? Just some things to think about...

I believe you must have tried this

public void addReservation(Reservation reservation)

but the problem here is that your list reservations is null and will throw null pointer exception. So better initialize it at declaration. So change this

private ArrayList<Reservation> reservations;


private ArrayList<Reservation> reservations = new ArrayList<Reservation>();

And in your makeReservation method of Hotel class do this:

Room room = new Room();

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