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Error: Could not find or load main class

I have a source folder (src) containing a jar file and many other folders of java codes. I have made a batch file which executes the following command perfectly fine while being in the "src" folder.

    java -mx6g -cp .:trove.jar testing.Tester /somepath/myfile.txt

However, when I want to execute this batch file from a different path, even if I add the complete address, it still doesn't work. For instance:

    java -mx6g -cp .:/Programs/src/trove.jar testing.Tester /somepath/myfile.txt

Even changing to this doesn't work:

    java -mx6g -cp .:/Programs/src/trove.jar /Programs/src/testing/testing.Tester /somepath/myfile.txt

I get the error: Error: Could not find or load main class testing.Tester.

It may help you: Syntax for "executable" JAR files:

java [ <option> ... ] -jar <jar-file-name> [<argument> ...]


java -Xmx100m -jar /usr/local/acme-example/listuser.jar fred

Class and Classpaths are specified in the MANIFEST of the JAR file

You have to give fully specified path

java [option]/Programs/src/:/Programs/src/trove.jar testing.Tester /AbsolutePath/fileName.txt

the dot at the start of the classpath means current directory (src). you may need to fully specify that path as well.

java -mx6g -cp /Programs/src/:/Programs/src/trove.jar testing.Tester /somepath/myfile.txt

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