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How to find out where a program is looking for libraries

The other day I came across a linux command that let me see where a program is expecting to find its libraries. It is very useful to solve library dependency problems for not so popular or proprietary software. I used ldd , it was very informative, but missed one crucial piece of information for me:

ldd -v ./my_executable gave good information for libraries that my_executable can link to. But for those it can not link/find, ldd only gave information like:

<a_library_name.so.version> => not found

What I want is, instead of "not found", I want to see

not found at /path/to/<a_library_name.so.version> .

on linux you can use the LD_DEBUG. This link is helpful.

The information about library paths is stored in /etc/ld.so.conf :

include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf
# /lib64, /lib, /usr/lib64 and /usr/lib gets added
# automatically by ldconfig after parsing this file.
# So, they do not need to be listed.

See man ldconfig for more information.


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