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No results returned by the Query error in PostgreSQL

I am trying to insert a data into a table. After executing the query i am getting an exception stating

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No results were returned by the query.

The data is getting inserted successfully, but i have no idea why i am getting this exception ??



instead of


if no data will be returned (ie a non- SELECT operation).

Please use annotion over the annotion.注释上使用注释。

@Query(value = "UPDATE Users set coins_balance = coins_balance + :coinsToAddOrRemove where user_id = :user_id", nativeQuery = true)
    int updateCoinsBalance(@Param("user_id") Long userId, @Param("coinsToAddOrRemove") Integer coinsToAddOrRemove);

The same is true for any DML query (ie DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT)

使用 @Modifying 和 @Transaction 修复了我

If you want last generated id, you can use this code after using executeUpdate() method

 int update = statement.executeUpdate()
 ResultSet rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
 if (rs != null && rs.next()) {
  key = rs.getLong(1);

The problem that brought me to this question was a bit different - I was getting this error when deleting rows using an interface-based Spring JPA Repository. The cause was that my method signature was supposed to return some results:

@Query(value = "DELETE FROM table t WHERE t.some_id IN (:someIds)", nativeQuery = true)
List<Long> deleteBySomeIdIn(@Param("someIds") Collection<Long> someIds);

Changing the return type to void resolved the issue:

@Query(value = "DELETE FROM table t WHERE t.some_id IN (:someIds)", nativeQuery = true)
void deleteBySomeIdIn(@Param("someIds") Collection<Long> someIds);

I have solved this Problem using addBatch and executeBatch as following:

statement.addBatch("DELETE FROM public.session_event WHERE id = " + entry.getKey());

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