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Get values from the key-value pairs in a comma separated string

I have string value like below:

var result = "{DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012}"

I need to transform like below:

var finalResult = "August,2012";

Does anyone know how to do it?

Here is a one liner so I can look clever, it doesn't depend on the Count of Key Value Pairs:

var result = "{DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012}";

var stringValues = string.Join(",", result.Trim('{', '}').Split(',').Select(x => x.Split('=')[1]));




Having said that, I would go with Sergey Berezovskiy's solution for the IDictionary Lookup.


result.Trim('{', '}').Split(',').Select(x => x.Split('=')[1])

Broken Down:

1. .Trim('{', '}')

Removes the outer curly braces.

Result: "DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012"

2. .Split(',')

Turns the result of step one into an Array split on the ','

Result: ["DimensionTransactionMonth=August", "DimensionTransactionYear=2012"]

3. .Select(x => x.Split('=')[1])

Projects each item from step two into a IEnumerable<string> as it does this it Splits "DimensionTransactionMonth=August" into ["DimensionTransactionMonth","August"] and we take the Last value in that array "August"

No we can join this IEnumnerable<string> back together using string.Join(',' ...) like so:

string.Join(",", result.Trim('{', '}').Split(',').Select(x => x.Split('=')[1]));

Thus you are dealing with kev-value pairs, I would convert your input to Dictionary<string,string> :

var result = "{DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012}";
var settings = result.Trim('{', '}')
                     .Select(s => s.Trim().Split('='))
                     .ToDictionary(a => a[0], a => a[1]);

Now you can easily get final result:

var finalResult = String.Join(",", settings.Values); // "August,2012"

Or some specific value by its key:

var month = settings["DimensionTransactionMonth"]; // "August"

You need to do 3 steps (if you wish to do it manually like this).

Remove the brackets

var s = result.SubString(1, result.Length - 2);

Split the key-value pairs

var pairs = s.Split(new[]{','});

Extract the values by splitting on the = sign

var resultset = pairs.Select(x => x.Split(new[]{'='})[1]).ToList();
var values = string.Join(",", result.Split(',').Select(o => o.Split(new[] { '=', '{', '}' })[1]));

Without regex (if there are only those two pairs):

string text = "{DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012}";
var token = text.Trim('{', '}').Split(',').Select(t => t.Trim());
string month = token.First().Split('=').Last().Trim();
string year = token.Last().Split('=').Last().Trim();
string finalResult = string.Format("{0},{1}", month, year);;

You could use string.Replace(); and string.Split();

var result = "{DimensionTransactionMonth=August, DimensionTransactionYear=2012}"

var splitValues = result.Replace("{","").Replace("}","").Split(",");

var month = splitValues[0].Split("=")[1];

var year = splitValues[1].Split("=")[1];

var finalResult = string.Format("{0},{1}", month, year);

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