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How do I insert last_insert_id using preparedStatement?

I am facing difficulty in inserting " last_insert_id" in my prepared statement.I got how to select the last_insert_id in prepared statement like below:

PreparedStatement getLastInsertId = con.prepareStatement("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");

When I use the same procedure for inserting last_insert_id in my preparedstatement like this:

1.  PreparedStatement pst =  con.prepareStatement("insert into introducer_table  values(?,?,?,?)");
3.     //introducer details into database
4.       pst.setString(1,LAST_INSERT_ID());
5.     pst.setString(2, nameofintroducer);
6.     pst.setString(3, accountno);
7.     pst.setString(4, signofintroducer);

Im getting 'null' value in the first column.can any one help me to come out from this problem

If your doing both the save actions at a time use getGeneratedKeys() , It's pretty much java.

I'm not a SQL guru, but here I found a way to get the generated id using getGeneratedKeys()

    long generatedId= 0L;
    statement = con
                    "insert into  new_user set name= ? , contact= ? , ....",
    statement.setString(1, "examplename");
    statement.setString(2, "examplecontact");
    ResultSet generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
    if (generatedKeys.next()) {
        generatedId = generatedKeys.getLong(1);// here is your generated Id , use it to  insert in your introducer_table

     PreparedStatement pst =  con.prepareStatement("insert into introducer_table  values(?,?,?,?)");

         //introducer details into database
         pst.setString(1, generatedId);
         pst.setString(2, nameofintroducer);
         pst.setString(3, accountno);
         pst.setString(4, signofintroducer);

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