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Return an array of strings?

So on my game server we have server-side commands. I was wondering if it was possible to turn this

public string Command
    get { return "g"; }

into something like this

public string Command
    get { return "g", "guild", "group"; }

Here's the command interfaces code

internal interface ICommand
    string Command { get; }
    int RequiredRank { get; }
    void Execute(Player player, string[] args);

Here's the command handler's code
part 1:

ProcessCmd(x[0].Trim('/'), x.Skip(1).ToArray());

part 2:

private void ProcessCmd(string cmd, string[] args)
    if (cmds == null)
        cmds = new Dictionary<string, ICommand>();
        var t = typeof (ICommand);
        foreach (var i in t.Assembly.GetTypes())
            if (t.IsAssignableFrom(i) && i != t)
                var instance = (ICommand) Activator.CreateInstance(i);
                cmds.Add(instance.Command, instance);

    ICommand command;
    if (!cmds.TryGetValue(cmd, out command))
        psr.SendPacket(new TextPacket
            BubbleTime = 0,
            Stars = -1,
            Name = "*Error*",
            Text = "Unknown Command!"
        ExecCmd(command, args);
    catch (Exception e)
        psr.SendPacket(new TextPacket
            BubbleTime = 0,
            Stars = -1,
            Name = "*Error*",
            Text = "Error when executing the command!"

You want this:

public string[] Commands
    get { return new string[] {"g", "guild", "group"}; }

Start with this. It will produce errors you should fix and by advancing in the fixing you will refactor a nice portion of code, like the ICommand interface.

If you are not allowed to change the interface, use a separator.

public string Command
    get { return string.Join("|", "g", "guild", "group"); }

Usage example:

foreach ( var command in source.Command.Split('|') )
    ExecCmd(command, args);

If your commands don't maintain any state and just consists of basically a single method (it seems like that), I recommend removing the interface and the classes altogether and just use simple functions with some metadata (attributes) attached.

This will make your code simpler by removing a bunch of classes.


// simple attribute to mark functions as commands
class CommandAttribute : Attribute
    public string Name {get;private set;}
    public string[] Keys {get;private set;}
    public int Rank {get;private set;}

    public CommandAttribute(string name, int rank, params string[] keys)
        Name = name;
        Keys = keys;
        Rank = rank;

// example commands
[Command("Guild", 15, "g", "guild", "group")]
public static void Guild(Player player,string[] args)
    // do stuff

[Command("Something other", 5, "f", "foo", "foobar")]
public static void FooIt(Player player,string[] args)
    // do stuff

Looking for those functions inside an assembly is also easy:

delegate void CommandHandler(Player player, string[] args);

var commands = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
               from m in t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.Public)
               let attr = (CommandAttribute)m.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CommandAttribute))
               where attr != null
               select new 
                    function = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(CommandHandler), m)

// probably use some other data structure if you want to lookup attr.Name and attr.Rank, too
var cmds = new Dictionary<string, CommandHandler>();
foreach(var item in commands)
    foreach(var key in item.attr.Keys)
        cmds.Add(key, (CommandHandler)item.function);

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