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How to save a Java object in Jython/Python

I'm building a Python UI using Tkinter. For the needs of the program, I've to connect Python with Java to do some stuff, so I'm using a simple Jython script as a linker. I cant use Tkinter with Jython because it's not supported.

Python (ui.py) -> Jython (linker.py) -> Java (compiled in jars)

To call the Jython function in Python I use subprocess as follows:


cmd = 'jython linker.py"'
my_env = os.environ
my_env["JYTHONPATH"] = tons_of_jars
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, env=my_env)

Then, in the Jython file, linker.py , I import the Java classes already added on the JYTHONPATH, and I create an object with the name m and call to some functions of the Java class.


import handler.handler
m = handler.handler(foo, moo, bar)

The thing is that I've created a m object, that will be destroyed after the execution of jython linker.py ends. So the question is: Is possible to save that m object somewhere so I can call it from ui.py whenever I want? If it's not possible, is there any other way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

I finally solved it by using ObjectOutputStream .

from java import io

def saveObject(x, fname="object.bin"):
    outs = io.ObjectOutputStream(io.FileOutputStream(fname))

def loadObject(fname="object.bin"):
    ins = io.ObjectInputStream(io.FileInputStream(fname))
    return x

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