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x86-64 assembler for polymorphic call

I have the C++ code:

int main(){
    M* m;

    O* o = new IO();
    H* h = new H("A");

    if(__rdtsc() % 5 == 0){
        m = new Y(o, h);
        m = new Z(o, h);


    return 1;

where the virtual call is represented by this asm:

mov         rax,qword ptr [x]  
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]  
call        qword ptr [rax]

It is one more line than I was expecting for the vtable method invoccation. Are all four of the ASM lines specific to the polymorphic call?

How do the above four lines read pseudo-ly?

This is the complete ASM and C++ (the virtual call is made right at the end):

int main(){
 add         byte ptr [rax-33333334h],bh  
 rep stos    dword ptr [rdi]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0A8h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh  
    M* x;

    o* o = new IO();
 mov         ecx,70h  
 call        operator new (013F6B7A70h) 
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+40h],rax  
 cmp         qword ptr [rsp+40h],0  
 je          main+4Fh (013F69687Fh)  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
 call        IO::IO (013F6814F6h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0B0h],rax  
 jmp         main+5Bh (013F69688Bh)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0B0h],0  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+0B0h]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+38h],rax  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+38h]  
 mov         qword ptr [o],rax  
    H* h = new H("A");
 mov         ecx,150h  
 call        operator new (013F6B7A70h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+50h],rax  
 cmp         qword ptr [rsp+50h],0  
 je          main+0CEh (013F6968FEh)  
 lea         rax,[rsp+58h]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+80h],rax  
 lea         rdx,[ec_table+11Ch (013F7C073Ch)]  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+80h]  
 call        std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > (013F681104h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0B8h],rax  
 mov         rdx,qword ptr [rsp+0B8h]  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+50h]  
 call        H::H (013F6826A3h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0C0h],rax  
 jmp         main+0DAh (013F69690Ah)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0C0h],0  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+0C0h]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+48h],rax  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]  
 mov         qword ptr [h],rax  

    if(__rdtsc() % 5 == 0){
 shl         rdx,20h  
 or          rax,rdx  
 xor         edx,edx  
 mov         ecx,5  
 div         rax,rcx  
 mov         rax,rdx  
 test        rax,rax  
 jne         main+175h (013F6969A5h)  
        x = new Y(o, h);
 mov         ecx,18h  
 call        operator new (013F6B7A70h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+90h],rax  
 cmp         qword ptr [rsp+90h],0  
 je          main+14Ah (013F69697Ah)  
 mov         r8,qword ptr [h]  
 mov         rdx,qword ptr [o]  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+90h]  
 call        Y::Y (013F681B4Fh)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0C8h],rax  
 jmp         main+156h (013F696986h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0C8h],0  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+0C8h]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+88h],rax  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+88h]  
 mov         qword ptr [x],rax  
 jmp         main+1DCh (013F696A0Ch)  
        x = new Z(o, h);
 mov         ecx,18h  
 call        operator new (013F6B7A70h)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0A0h],rax  
 cmp         qword ptr [rsp+0A0h],0  
 je          main+1B3h (013F6969E3h)  
 mov         r8,qword ptr [h]  
 mov         rdx,qword ptr [o]  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0A0h]  
 call        Z::Z (013F68160Eh)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0D0h],rax  
 jmp         main+1BFh (013F6969EFh)  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+0D0h],0  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+0D0h]  
 mov         qword ptr [rsp+98h],rax  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+98h]  
 mov         qword ptr [x],rax  

 mov         rax,qword ptr [x]  
 mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
 mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]  
 call        qword ptr [rax]  

    return 1;
 mov         eax,1  

You're probably looking at unoptimized code:

mov         rax,qword ptr [x]       ; load rax with object pointer
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]     ; load rax with the vtable pointer
mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]       ; load rcx with the object pointer (the 'this' pointer)
call        qword ptr [rax]         ; call through the vtable slot for the virtual function
mov         rax,qword ptr [x]  

get the address pointed to by x

mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  

get the address of the vtable for x's class (using rax we just worked out). Put it in rax

mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]  

get the pointer x and put it in rcx, so it can be used as the "this" pointer in the called function.

call        qword ptr [rax]

call the function using the address from the vtable we found earlier (no offset as it is the first virtual function).

There are definitely shorter ways to do it, which the compiler might use if you switch optimizations on (eg only get [x] once).

Updated with more info from Ben Voigt

In pseudo-code:


Optimized version (can rcx be used for indexing?):

mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]       ; load rcx with object pointer
mov         rax,qword ptr [rcx]     ; load rax with the vtable pointer
call        qword ptr [rax]         ; call through the vtable slot for the virtual function


mov         rax,qword ptr [x]       ; load rax with object pointer
mov         rcx,rax                 ; copy object pointer to rcx (the 'this' pointer)
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]     ; load rax with the vtable pointer
call        qword ptr [rax]         ; call through the vtable slot for the virtual function

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