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How to extract the String in these 3 cases using Regex with Java

I´m dealing with one problem. I have three strings that I want to extract only the String.

Observações da #{loginBean.centralCreditoRole ? 'central de crédito' : 'loja'}


#{propostaCartaoBean.pojo.inss.exclusaoDataprevAgendada ? 'Sim' : 'Não'}

In line 1 the output will be 3 strings, Observações da , central de crédito , loja . Line 2 will be blank and Line 3 Sim and Não .

I got line 2 like this teste.replaceAll("\\\\#.+?\\\\}", "");

Is it possible to deal this problem?


Your input is not sufficient enough to understand your need. However, you can try this example:

String input = "Observações da #{loginBean.centralCreditoRole ? 'central de crédito' : 'loja'}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(.*?)#.*?\\?\\s*(?:'(.*?)(?<!\\\\)'\\s+:\\s+'(.*?)(?<!\\\\)')?");

Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input);
while (m.find()) {

This one is showing how it can parse the three portions from your first input.

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