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How to trim out an array of integers in Java?

Let's that I have a number N. N will be the size of the array.

int numArray [] = new numArray[N];

However, the contents of the array will hold every other number from 1 to positive N. This means that the entire size N array will not be full after that for loop. So after the for loop, I want to trim (or resize) the array so that there will no longer be any empty slots in the array.

Example :

Let's say N = 5; That means, after the for loop, every other number from 1 to 5 will be in the array like so:

int arr[] = new int[N];

int arr[0]=1;
int arr[1]=3;
int arr[2]= null;
int arr[3]= null;
int arr[4]= null;

Now, I want to trim (or resize) after the for loop so that the indexes that hold null will be gone and then the array should be:

int arr[0]=1;
int arr[1]=3;

The size of the array is now 2.

You can't trim an array. The fastest approach is just to copy it into a smaller one, using System.arraycopy, which is almost always much faster than a for loop :

int somesize = 5;
int[] numArray = new int[somesize];
//code to populate every other int into the array.
int[] smallerArray = new int[somesize/2];
//copy array into smaller version
System.arraycopy(numArray, 0, smallerArray, 0, somesize / 2);

You can't change the size of an array in Java after it has been created. What you can do however, is to create a new array of the size that you need.

Another important point is that you are creating an array of a primitive : int . Primitives are not objects and you cannot assign the value null to a primitive. You need to create an array of java.lang.Integer if you want to be able to set entries in it to null .

Integer[] numArray = new Integer[N];

Thanks to a Java feature called auto-boxing , almost all code that works with primitive int values, also works with Integer values.


  1. Use Integer[] instead of int[]
  2. Calculate the size that you need (count non- null entries in original array)
  3. Allocate a new array of the size that you need
  4. Loop over the old array, and copy every non- null value from it to the new array.


Integer[] oldArray = ...;

// Step 2
int count = 0;
for (Integer i : oldArray) {
    if (i != null) {

// Step 3
Integer[] newArray = new Integer[count];

// Step 4
int index = 0;
for (Integer i : oldArray) {
    if (i != null) {
        newArray[index++] = i;

I think there is a bit shorter way to do the trimming itself. Whats left is to find the proper index.

You can do:

int someIndex = Arrays.asList(arr).indexOf(null);
arr = Arrays.copyOfRange(arr,0,someIndex);

You surely better of with some more appropriate data structure, for example a list or a set depending on what's your intention with it later. That way you don't even need to create an N sized structure just so you'd have to reduce it anyway. Rather you create an empty list and add the elements that you actually need

import java.util.Arrays;  

public static void main( String[] args )
        int[] nums2 = {9,4,1,8,4};

        nums2 =Arrays.copyOf(nums2,3);

        for (int i : nums2) {
            System.out.print(i+" ");



9 4 1

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