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Hibernate OneToMany with OrderBy generates invalid SQL

I have a one-to-many relationship as follows:

public class Player {
    private int           id;
    private String        name;
    private List<Payment> payments;

    ... accessors etc

public class Payment {
    private int        id;
    private Date       when;
    private BigDecimal amount;

    ... accessors etc

orm to describe these:

<entity-mappings ... version="2.0">

    <entity class="domain.Player" access="FIELD">
            <id name="id">
                <generated-value strategy="AUTO" />

            <basic name="name" optional="false" />

            <one-to-many name="payments" fetch="EAGER">

    <entity class="domain.Payment" access="FIELD">
            <id name="id">
                <generated-value strategy="AUTO" />

            <basic name="when"   optional="false" />
            <basic name="amount" optional="false" />


This works fine with Hibernate 4.2.2.Final, but if I update to 4.3.4.Final it fails whenever I try to load objects of type player. The SQL generated by 4.3.4.Final is along the lines of :

select ... 
from Player player0_ 
left outer join Player_Payment payments1_ on player0_.id=payments1_.Player_id 
left outer join Payment payment2_ on payments1_.payments_id=payment2_.id 
where player0_.id=? 
order by payments1_.when

ie the ORDER BY is on the join table, not the target table.

Any ideas - am I doing something wrong here or does this look like a Hibernate bug ?

Mapping is correct. This Hibernate bug reported in HHH-8834 . Attached test case in bug report uses annotations, but otherwise it matches to the one in question.

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