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How to save my variables to a txt file from a program

I have been wprking on this code today and the last process i have to do is to save the data i get to a .txt file, i am not sure how to do this and would greatly appreciate some help if at all possible, here is the code;

import random

char1=str(input('Please enter a name for character 1: '))
print('%s has a strength value of %s and a skill value of %s'%(char1,strh1,skl1))

char2=str(input('Please enter a name for character 2: '))
print('%s has a strength value of %s and a skill value of %s'%(char2,strh2,skl2))

I have researched the json function, but i am not sure how to use is because I want the data to be saved in a certain of 'char1(eg steve) has a stength of strh1(eg13) and a skill of skl1(eg21)' and then repeat this for the other character. If anyone could help me with this that would be really great, thanks !

Use python's file IO . Replace your print statement with:

line = '%s has a strength value of %s and a skill value of %s'%(char1,strh1,skl1)
with open('output', 'a') as opfile: # This creates the file if it does not exist and opens it in the append mode

Do the same for the second character.

JSON is a format used to store data as attribute value pairs. If you wanted to store your data as:

{"data":[{"char":"steve", "strength":"13", "skill":"21"}, {...}]}

then, you would have to create a JSON object as above and then write the above JSON to a file with the json dump method as:

json.dump(json_object, opfile)


If you have a path to the file that you want to write to, you can specify the absolute path in the open call:

with open('/home/homedir/output.txt', 'a') as opfile:

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