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JSON.parse throwing illogical Syntax Error: Unexpected token

I have a problem with parsing the json string passed from a method in PHP over an AJAX call. The string is

[{"type":"successful","message":"Prijava uspe\u0161na!"}] 

When I try to parse it in javascript with JSON.parse(the string) , I get an Unexpected token error in my console.

There is no problem when I execute this on my localhost nothing is wrong even though I get the same response from the PHP script.

When I try the following in the success function of the ajax


I get this

[{"type":"successful","message":"Prijava uspe\u0161na!"}]  login:102
"\r\n\r\n[{\"type\":\"successful\",\"message\":\"Prijava uspe\\u0161na!\"}]\r\n\r\n" login:104
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token  login:104

And line 104 (well not really, the console points at it):


I've tried replacing \\r\\n, ended up the same

I am really confused...

Your JSON has a BOM , which is not a valid token.

Ensure that whatever is sending your JSON is encoding it correctly without this BOM.

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