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Abstract class in Java.

Wat does it mean by indirect Instantiation of abstract class ? how do we achieve this ? as i tried few times like .. it gives error has any one done something regarding this

    abstract class hello //abstract class declaration 
    void leo() {}

    abstract class test {} //2'nd abstract class 

    class dudu {  //main class 

    public static void main(String args[]) 
    hello d = new test() ;  // tried here 


You can't instantiate an abstract class. The whole idea of Abstract class is to declare something which is common among subclasses and then extend it.

  public abstract class Human {
         // This class can't be instantiated, there can't be an object called Human

  public Male extends Human {
         // This class can be instantiated, getting common features through extension from Human class

  public Female extends Human {
        // This class can be instantiated, getting common features through extension from Human class


For more: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/abstract.html


Wat does it mean my indirect instanciation of abstract class ? how do we achieve this ?

I'd need to see the context in which that phrase is used, but I expect that "indirect instantiation" means instantiation of a non-abstract class that extends your abstract class.

For example

public abstract class A {
    private int a;
    public A(int a) {
       this.a = a;

public B extends A {
    public B() {

B b = new B();    // This is an indirect instantiation of A
                  // (sort of ....)

A a = new A(99);  // This is a compilation error.  You cannot
                  // instantiate an abstract class directly.

You can't create instance of abstract class, I think this is what you are trying to do.

abstract class hello //abstract class declaration 
    void leo() {}

class test extends hello 
    void leo() {} // Custom test's implementation of leo method

you cannot create object for Abstract class in java. Refer this link- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/abstract.html

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