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How to define a namespace based template class or function in c#?

In C#, could I define a class like this, T is a namespace name here, in stead of a data type name.

public class MyClass<T> 
    T.DataType_Defined_in_T t;

or in a function:

public void MyFunction<T>(T.DataType_Defined_in_T t) 

Is there a way to achieve this goal?

Or, something can switch the reference using in run-time:


using namespace  np1;


using namespace  np2;

There is no way to do this using namespaces, but you could implement a class that acts as an accessor or factory for the types in the namespace.

interface IFactory
    Type GetType1();

namespace X
    public class Type1 { }

    public class Factory : IFactory
        public Type GetType1() { return typeof(Type1); }

namespace Y
    public class Type1 { }

    public class Factory : IFactory
        public Type GetType1() { return typeof(Type1); }

public void MyFunction<T>(T factory)
    where T : IFactory
    var type = factory.GetType1();

void Main()
    MyFunction(new X.Factory());
    MyFunction(new Y.Factory());

Or you would implement a non-generic reflection solution:

public void MyFunction(string ns)
    var typesReader = from asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
                      from type in asm.GetExportedTypes()
                      where type.Namespace == ns
                      select type;

    var typeMap = typesReader.ToDictionary(t => t.Name);

    var type1 = typeMap["Type1"];


void Main()

Note that this reflection solution won't work if the assembly(-ies) containing the namespace(s) aren't loaded in the appdomain yet.

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