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Add an incremental number sequence in SQL INSERT SELECT Query

I have a query to insert values from one table to another table as below.

 INSERT into Workflow_CustomFormColumns     
 SELECT ColumnNumber
 FROM Workflow_CustomFormTypeColumns
 WHERE CustomFormTypeId=66 
    and ColumnNumber>43

Now for the CustomformID in WorkFlow_CustomformColumns I need to add values which increment from 250 to 300

You can do this with row_number() in the insert :

INSERT into Workflow_CustomFormColumns(CustomFormId, ColumnNumber, ColumnTitle,
              ColumnType, ColumnListValues, IsRequired, ColumnWidth, Calculation
    SELECT 249 + row_number() over (order by (select NULL)) as CustomerFormId,
          ColumnNumber, ColumnTitle, ColumnType, ColumnListValues, IsRequired, 
          ColumnWidth, Calculation
    from  Workflow_CustomFormTypeColumns
    where CustomFormTypeId = 66 and ColumnNumber > 43;

However, it is hard for me to think of a situation where you would really want this. Instead, yo would typically make CustomerFormId and identity column and let the database assign unique numbers to the id.

If CustomFormId is identity column then we can use DBCC CHECKIDENT to specify a new seed value by using RESEED new_reseed_value as below before Inserting data:

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.Workflow_CustomFormColumns', RESEED, 250);

Check DEMO here.

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