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I am trying to show only the highest selling product per work center, however, it keeps telling me that LIMIT 1 is the incorrect syntax. I cant seem to find an answer on here that has helped so I decided to ask the question. Here's my query.

SELECT WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode, Product.Name, SUM(CustomerOrderLine.Quantity*CustomerOrderLine.ActualPrice) AS 'Total Sales'
FROM WorkCenter 
    INNER JOIN Product ON WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode = Product.WorkCenterCode 
    INNER JOIN CustomerOrderLine ON Product.ProductID = CustomerOrderLine.ProductID
    GROUP BY WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode, Product.Name
    ORDER BY 'Total Sales' DESC 
    LIMIT 1

Here is your query cleaned up a bit:

SELECT  wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name, SUM(col.Quantity*col.ActualPrice) AS "Total Sales"
     Product p
     ON wc.WorkCenterCode = p.WorkCenterCode INNER JOIN
     CustomerOrderLine col
     ON p.ProductID = col.ProductID
GROUP BY wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name
ORDER BY "Total Sales" DESC

Note the important change from double quotes to single quotes. This is especially important for the order by clause so the clause actually does something, rather than sorting by a constant. The addition of table aliases makes the query easier to read.

If you are using Visual Studio, you should use top rather than limit :

SELECT TOP 1 wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name, SUM(col.Quantity*col.ActualPrice) AS "Total Sales"
     Product p
     ON wc.WorkCenterCode = p.WorkCenterCode INNER JOIN
     CustomerOrderLine col
     ON p.ProductID = col.ProductID
GROUP BY wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name
ORDER BY "Total Sales" DESC;


For one row per work center, use this as a subquery with row_number() :

SELECT WorkCenterCode, Name, "Total Sales"
FROM (SELECT wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name, SUM(col.Quantity*col.ActualPrice) AS "Total Sales",
             row_number() over (partition by wc.WorkCenterCode order by SUM(col.Quantity*col.ActualPrice) desc) as seqnum
      FROM WorkCenter wc INNER JOIN
           Product p
           ON wc.WorkCenterCode = p.WorkCenterCode INNER JOIN
           CustomerOrderLine col
           ON p.ProductID = col.ProductID
      GROUP BY wc.WorkCenterCode, p.Name
     ) t
WHERE seqnum = 1
ORDER BY "Total Sales" DESC;

For SQL Server use SELECT TOP 1

SELECT TOP 1 WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode, Product.Name, SUM(CustomerOrderLine.Quantity*CustomerOrderLine.ActualPrice) AS [Total Sales]
FROM            WorkCenter INNER JOIN
                     Product ON WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode = Product.WorkCenterCode INNER     JOIN
                     CustomerOrderLine ON Product.ProductID = CustomerOrderLine.ProductID
GROUP BY WorkCenter.WorkCenterCode, Product.Name
ORDER BY [Total Sales] DESC 

Here's another SO question on the topic which uses ROW_NUMBER() . TOP 1 will only return one row in total whereas ROW_NUMER() can return one row per group.

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