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Cross-platform filepaths comparison

I'm trying to check if two file path strings specify the same path.

We know paths are not case-sensitive in Windows.

Path.GetFullPath(path1).Equals(Path.GetFullPath(path2), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)

I know it will not work correctly on Linux, cause paths are case-sensitive there. So I'm searching for some indication of platform case-sensitivity for paths. Or for some function like Path.Equals .

In your case, it's probably the easiest (and most reliable) to check if Path.DirectorySeparatorChar is equal to '/' or '\\' and if it's the former, call the same method without the "IgnoreCase" part.

In full:

if(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/')
    Path.GetFullPath(path1).Equals(Path.GetFullPath(path2), StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
    Path.GetFullPath(path1).Equals(Path.GetFullPath(path2), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

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