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.NET SQLDatareader isolated read

I have a SQL Server database which stores accounts with credits (about 200.000 records), and a separate table which stores the transactions (about 20.000.000).

Whenever a transaction is added to the database the credits are updated.

What I need to do is update client programs (using a web service) to store the credits locally, and whenever new transactions are added to the server they are sent to the clients as well (using timestamps for the delta). My main problem is creating the first data set for the client. I need to supply the list of all accounts and the last timestamp on the transaction table.

This would mean I have to create this list and the last timestamp within a snapshot, because any updates during creating this list would mean a mismatch in credits total and last transaction timestamp.

I've researched the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION setting and using snapshot isolation on the SqlCommand transaction, but from what I've read this will induce a significant performance penalty. Is this true, and can this problem be solved using other means ?

but from what I've read this will induce a significant performance penalty.

I don't even want to know where you read that. I'll refer you to the official document. The costs come from additional tempdb space used for row versions and from traversing old row versions. These problems do not concern you if you have a low write rate.

Snapshot isolation is a boon for solving blocking and consistency issues. It is a perfect match for your scenario.

Many SQL Server questions on Stack Overflow lead me to comment "did you investigate snapshot isolation yet?". Most underused feature.

Oracle and Postgres have it always on.

Don't jump onto SI wagon hastily. As everythng else it has it's benefits and has it's drawbacks.

As the drawbacks are concerned, for example, the application might count on blocking behaviour or/and is willing to wait for that last version of the data. You should thoroughly test the application under SI to be sure it behaves correctly. Further, an uncommitted transaction could make a mess of the version store and lead to dramatic tempdb growth, so monitoring is a must.

Also, SI might be an overkill for you, if normally you don't have blocking issues.

Instead, if what you need is a one-off or close to it, create a database snapshot of your database, create the initial list from that snapshot, and then simply drop it.

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