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SqlDataReader read whole query

I have a SQL script with a loop. In each iteration I change the where clause. So I get several selects displayed. But my .net program reads only the first select. The SQL script works in ssms.

This is my SQL script

while (@aktuellParam <= @countParam)
  SELECT name1,
  FROM dbo.tableName
  WHERE name like @var
  SET @aktuellParam = aktuellParam+1

This is my vb.net code

Using reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteReader(script)
    Dim lfdnr As Integer = 1

    Do While reader.Read()
        spaltenListe.Add(New ISpalten With
                                     .Name1= reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("name1")),
                                     .Name2= reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("name2"))
        lfdnr = lfdnr + 1
End Using

That's because subsequent selects are actually in a different result set. Your reader needs to do a .NextResult after each read.

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