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Can't connect to local server with android emulator

I am trying to develop a simple android login and registration application which will fetch data from local server(for now). I am using android studio and WAMP server. I have provided the internet permission in the manifest file. I have tried the urls:

  • IPv4 address)
  • localhost:80

Still evry time it shows

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to (or any of the above) refused

I have been trying this and followed every advice but the application stops unfortunately(as the emulator says).I have posted all my required java files and logcat in my previous question here: Unfortunately the application stopped working . It would be of great help if anyone guides me on this.

Use to connect to local server if server is running at port number 8080


我遇到了同样的问题,直到我来到这里仅供参考:我不得不更改 Wampserver 上的端口(从端口 80 到端口 8080,因为端口 80 已经被使用(cmd、netstat -aon)。在我的 java 类中,我尝试了上面的地址,但只有 对我有帮助。

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