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how to pass a int array value to another class in java

I am having three class one is linklist class and a LinkLLiat1 class and a LinkList2 class.can any one please help me to pass the getStudentID value to linklist class.

This is the LinkList1 class

   public class LinkList1 
       public LinkList1 next;

       private int EmployeeID;
       private String EmployeeName;
       private String EmpContactNo;
       private String DOB;
       private String DateofJoined;
       private String DepatmentName;  

       public LinkList1 (int Employeeid, String Employeename, String EmpContactno, String dob, String Dateofjoined, String Depatmentname)

           EmployeeID=Employeeid; // initialized class variable
           EmployeeName=Employeename; // initialized class variable
           EmpContactNo=EmpContactno; // initialized class variable
           DOB=dob; // initialized class variable
           DateofJoined=Dateofjoined; // initialized class variable
           DepatmentName=Depatmentname; // initialized class variable
       public void DisplayLink()
            public int getStudentID()
           return EmployeeID;

this is in the LinkList2..

public class LinkList2 
    private LinkList1 first; // refer tp first link on the list
       public LinkList2 () // constructor
           first = null; // no items on list yet
       public boolean empty()
           return (first==null);
       public void insert(int Employeeid, String Employeename, String EmpContactno, String dob, String Dateofjoined, String Depatmentname)
           LinkList1 newLinkList1= new LinkList1(Employeeid, Employeename, EmpContactno, dob, Dateofjoined, Depatmentname);
           newLinkList1.next= first; // newlink --> old first
           first = newLinkList1; // first --> new link


       public LinkList1 delete() // elete first item
           LinkList1 tem=first; //save reference to link
           first = first.next; //selete it: first--> old next
           return tem; // return deleted link
  public int[] myListStudent(LinkList2 thelist)
      int myStudentNo[]=new int[5];
       LinkList1 current = first;
       int i=0;
        while (thelist!=null) // until end of list
            int a=current.getStudentID();
               current = current.next; //move to next link

      return myStudentNo;

       public void displaylist()
           System.out.println(" ID, Name, Contact No" + 
                   "Date of Birth. Date of Joined, Work Department ID");
           LinkList1 current = first; // start at beginning of list
           while (current!=null) // until end of list
               current.DisplayLink(); //print data
               current = current.next; //move to next link


i need to get the getStudentID values from the above class to the myArray in which is in mainlinklist class..

    public class LinkList 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        LinkList2 thelist = new LinkList2(); // make new list

        thelist.insert(1, "ssd", "071123456", "9.10.1993", "10.11.2010", "HR");
        thelist.insert(12, "dcfs", "071123456", "9.10.1993", "10.11.2010", "ACC");


         LinkList2 myStudent = new LinkList2();
         int myArray[];
            LinkList1 aLink = thelist.delete();



what i want to do is get the EmployeeID vlues in LinkList1 to LinkList2 and the to Linklist.. i want to collect the values EmployeeID .. i don't know many be i am doing to totally wrong .. :) which means from this myStudentNo in below to the MyArray in linklist..

 public int[] myListStudent(LinkList2 thelist)
          int myStudentNo[]=new int[5];
           LinkList1 current = first;
           int i=0;
            while (thelist!=null) // until end of list
                int a=current.getStudentID();
                   current = current.next; //move to next link

          return myStudentNo;


You could pass it through the constructor.

Eg. when you create an instance of the class do

CLASS name = new CLASS(variableToPass);


When you create an instance of the class that you wish to pass it to, use the variable as an argument of the constructor of that class. I hope it is easier to understand now.

When you create a new instance of a class the constructor is called.

This is an example of a constructor:

public ClassName() {

This constructor takes no arguments and therefore creating an instance of that class is as follows:

ClassName class = new ClassName();

Constructors can also take arguments and set them to values:

int i = 0;

public ClassName(int i){
this.i = i;

ClassName class = new ClassName(1);

This would set the instance variable of i to the value of i given. this. refers to the instance variable.

You should add what you want to pass through the constructor this way.

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