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C++11 implicitly convert

#include <string>

struct String
    template<typename T> operator T*() { return 0; }
    operator std::string() { return ""; }

int main()
    String myStr;

    std::string str1(myStr); // ambiguous, error C2668

    std::string str2 = myStr; // error C2440:
    // 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'String' to
    // `std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>',
    // No constructor could take the source type,
    // or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous

    const std::string& rStr = myStr; // Ok, but why?

I'm using VS 2013.


  1. Why do the definitions of str1 and str2 lead to different compile errors?

  2. As I know, when rStr is created, a temporary string object is created firstly, then rStr will refer to the temporary. But, why does the creation of the temporary object not lead a compile error? Is there any different between tmp and strN ?

The first definition, std::string str1(myStr); is indeed ambigous:

std::string str1(myStr.operator char*());
// or
std::string str1(myStr.operator std::string());

so this initialization fails due to an ambiguity.

This is essentially the same scenario as

void foo(char const*);
void foo(std::string);

foo(myStr); // ambiguous

Exactly one user-defined conversion is required, then a function will be called (for the first definition, the function is a constructor). Both conversions are viable, and neither is a subset of the other, so both have the same rank.

The second definition, std::string str2 = myStr; is actually fine . Only one user-defined conversion to std::string is allowed, either via a constructor or via a conversion function, not both. So only std::string str2 = myStr.operator std::string(); is viable.

Note string str2 = expr; when expr is not of type string requires the expr to be converted to std::string . The resulting temporary is then used to initialize str2 via a copy/move:

string str2 = string(expr);
//            ~~~~~~ implicit

Therefore, the conversion on the right hand side must convert directly to std::string , otherwise you would need a chain of two user-defined conversions to initialize the temporary: (UDC = User-Defined Conversion)

string str2 = string(expr);
// resolved as:
string str2 = expr.operator string();        // fine: one implicit UDC
string str2 = string(expr.operator char*()); // error: two UDCs

For example, expr to char const* via the operator char* and then to a std::string via the converting constructor requires a chain of two user-defined conversions => not viable. If we try to use the operator char*() conversion, we need an additional constructor implicit constructor call to make the RHS a string .

This is different from string str1( expr ) , where expr does not need to be converted implicitly to string . It might have to be converted to initialize a parameter of a string constructor. The direct initialization of str1 from the possibly converted expr is not a(n implicit) conversion itself, but just a function call. No extra temporary is created:

string str1( expr );
// resolved as:
string str1( expr.operator string() ); // fine
string str1( expr.operator char* () ); // fine

This second definition is refused when compiling with enabled language extension. Without language extensions, this initialization is fine in VS2013 Update 2.

The third one follows a different initialization scheme. It should behave like the second one in this case, as far as I can tell. The language extensions seems to apply only to the second one but not to the third one, it seems.

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