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Replace Single Quotes in PowerShell Or Excel CSV

I'm wrapping up a script which gets software versions and puts them into a CSV, then back to powershell then finally to SQL. Some of the software names have single quotes in them which is not allowed for import to SQL. I'm trying to find and replace these single quotes with back ticks at some point before the final SQL export. My first instinct is to operate the find and replace function in excel via powershell to do the replace, but I'm not sure how to go about this or if this is the best way.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm very new to all this.


edit: Thanks for advice so far alroc. I'm working with the following for this piece:

$CSV = Import-CSV -path $UpdatePath\$($todaydate).csv
import-module sqlps
ForEach ($item in $CSV){
$CSVAppID = $($item.AppID)
$CSVAppName = $($item.AppName)
$CSVVersion = $($item.Version)
$SqlServer = "redacted"
$SqlDB = "redacted"
$SoftwareTable = "redacted"

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$SQLServer" -Database "$SqlDB" -query "INSERT INTO dbo.ecca_sw_standard_2 (name, version, product_id) VALUES (N'$CSVAppName', N'$CSVVersion' , N'$CSVAppID')"

A few of the variable values contain single quotes in the strings, and powershell throws me an error when it gets to these few. "Invoke-Sqlcmd : Incorrect syntax near 'S'."

The answer is to create sub expressions in your string to replace ' with '' .

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$SQLServer" -Database "$SqlDB" -query "INSERT INTO dbo.ecca_sw_standard_2 (name, version, product_id) VALUES (N'$($CSVAppName -replace "'", "''")', N'$($CSVVersion -replace "'", "''")' , N'$($CSVAppID -replace "'", "''")')"

This way when the string is expanded it will be appropriately escaped for SQL insertion.

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