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print string after keyword python

I managed to pull the following line from the txt file

05/19/2014, 15:24:14.455> LVL:2 RC:   0          SERVER :server main: TERA_MGMT_SYS_SESS_EVENT_RESET with disconnect cause (0x105)

how to pull out 105 from it now?

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, re, os

lineContains = re.compile(r'(?=.*disconnect cause)')
lineContainsCode = re.compile(r'cause\s*\(.*?(\d+)\)')
filename = open ("pcoip_server_2014_05_19_00000560.txt", 'r')

for line in filename:
    if lineContains.match(line):
        print 'The file has: '
        print line
        code = lineContainsCode.search(line).group(1)
        print 'The code is:', code
        if code == 001:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to lost network.'
        elif code == 100:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to failure of PCoIP server initialization. This should not occur. Please contact Teradici support.'
        elif code == 101:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to failure of PCoIP server initialization. This should not occur in normal operation. Note: If the Welcome Screen is enable in the View Administrator a ConnectionTicketTimeout will trigger a disconnect after 15 min with this code'
        elif code == 102:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to VMware View Connection Server (broker) maximum session duration (Connection Server setting) exceeded.'
        elif code == 103:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to the VDI user selecting Logoff or Restart from Windows in the VDI session'
        elif code == 104:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to admin manually disconnected the session from the Administrative Web Interface.'
        elif code == 105:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to login from an alternate location OR Pre-connection warmup initialization of PCoIP Server. This is not for actual connection. If the size of the log is under 15 Kbytes, this is a pre-connection warmup startup/shutdown sequence.'
        elif code == 200:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to the user right-clicking the host driver icon in the tray and then selecting Menu > Disconnect. Applicable only to clients connecting to a hard host and not VDI.'
        elif code == 201:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to incompatible host driver version (not used for VDI).'
        elif code == 300:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to the user closing the View Client window or due to the user ending the View application task inside the Windows Task Manager'
        elif code == 301:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to the user clicking the zero client\'s Disconnect button. Not applicable for soft clients.'
        elif code == 302:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to the user clicking the Disconnect button in the client Administrative Web Interface. Not applicable for soft clients.'
        elif code == 303:
            print 'The VMware View Connection Server (broker) requested the session to end.'
        elif code == 304:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to Power Sleep disconnect (not used for VDI).'
        elif code == 305:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to user pulling out the smart card used for user authentication.'
        elif code == 306:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to user taking action specified by OneSign to be a disconnect command (for example, double tapping the card).'
        elif code == 400:
            print 'Zero client and View 4.5 and earlier: PCoIP session terminated due to network issues on TCP/SSL connection (keepalive ping timeout).'
        elif code == 401:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to networking issues or failure to open drivers, such as video, audio, or USB.'
        elif code == 402:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to networking issues.'
        elif code == 403:
            print 'PCoIP session terminated due to various reasons. For example, network lost or client/server crash.'
        elif code == 404:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to inability to use the VMware video driver on the server.'
        elif code == 405:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to client and server not having a common encryption method enabled.'
        elif code == 406:
            print 'Zero Client and View 4.5 and earlier: PCoIP session terminated due to network issues on TCP/SSL connection. Zero client and View 4.6 (and later). This is normal operation since the TCP/SSL connection is terminated right after session negotiation.'
        elif code == 407:
            print 'PCoIP connection not established due to the View Security Server detecting that AES encryption is disabled on either the client and/or server.'
            print 'code not found in KB.'


gives me error File "pcoip_disconnect_codes.py", line 20 elif code == 102: ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

You could try the below regex to get the numbers inside () paranthesis. The below regex contain the string cause because it would helpful to correctly match the exact line and also the numbers within () .

cause \(.*?(\d+)\)



Your code would be,

lineContainsCode = re.compile(r'cause \(.*?(\d+)\)')

For a non regex approach:

code = line.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].split("x")[-1]
# more readable:
# code = line.split("(")[-1]
#            .split(")")[0]
#            .split("x")[-1]

This will split the string on all the literal open parens, and index on -1 (ie grab the last one). Then split that on all literal close parens, and index on 0 (ie grab the FIRST one), then split on all literal "x" s and index on -1 (ie grab the last one)

KEY: ---- items not selected
     ++++ items selected
       |  split point (NOT SELECTED)

05/19/2014, 15:24:14.455> LVL:2 RC:   0          SERVER :server main: TERA_MGMT_SYS_SESS_EVENT_RESET with disconnect cause (0x105)



Resulting in 105


code = lineContainsCode.search(line).group(1)
hashmap = {"001":'PCoIP session terminated due to lost network.',
           "100":'PCoIP connection not established due to failure of PCoIP server initialization. This should not occur. Please contact Teradici support.',           
           "407":'PCoIP connection not established due to the View Security Server detecting that AES encryption is disabled on either the client and/or server.'}
error_msg = hashmap.get(code,'code not found in KB.')

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