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Javascript - Remove leading zero from string

This is probably a super easy one. But I've got a series of numbers which looks like this:


I want to remove the leading 0. and keep only the two first numbers, so this is the result:


But I don't know how to round numbers . Usually, I'd convert it to a string and use regular expression. I guess I could do that now as well, but since I've got numbers here, I mind as well learn this now.

If they're already strings, substr 'll do the trick:

str.substr(2, 2);

If they're numbers, you can multiply and use Math.floor :

Math.floor(number * 100);

The fastest and easiest way:


( | is bit wise OR and it will convert any number to an integer, thus behaving the same as Math.floor but shorter and faster.)

a couple of ways to do this


Probably the most correct as you are working with a number the whole time.

parseInt(number*100, 10);

parseInt is supposed to take a string as first argument, but if you pass it a number javascript will convert to string.

(number+"").replace(/\d*\.(\d{2})\d*/, "$1");

Or convert to string and regex

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