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Sorting edges of a graph (based on Adjacency List representation) in Java

I have a graph which stores it's edges using a HashMap as follows :

HashMap<Integer,LinkedList<Node>> adj;

where Node is defined ;

class Node
   int number;
   int weight;


  • 0 : <1,55> -> <2,54> //node 0 is connected to node 1 with edge weight 55 and node 2 with edge weight 54
  • 1 : <0,43> -> <2,44> //node 1 is connected to node 0 with edge weight 43 and node 2 with edge weight 44

I need to get a list of edges in sorted order by weight and I have no clue how to go about it. I am trying to implement Kruskal's MST.

Is it possible to sort the graph I have defined? If not please suggest a better way of storing it.

Let's start by creating an Edge class:

class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> { // Important: must implement Comparable. More on this later
    public Node first; // first connected node
    public Node second; // second connected node
    public int weight; // move edge weight to Edge class

    public int compareTo(Edge e) {
        if (weight < e.weight) {
            return -1;
        } else if (weight > e.weight) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

Because the weight variable is in the Edge class, it isn't needed in Node , so you can remove it:

class Node {
    public int number;
    // add more variables later is you need here

Now, for your program (if there isn't a requirement against it), I would define your list like this:

HashMap<Node, List<Edge>> adj; // use any list implementation you want

This will represent the graph like this inside your program (copied from your example):

  • Node 0: Edge(Node 0, Node 1, 55), Edge(Node 0, Node 2, 54)
  • Node 1: Edge(Node 1, Node 0, 43), Edge(Node 1, Node 2, 44)

To answer your question , lets find the edges sorted by edge weight:

ArrayList<Edge> sortedEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
for (List<Edge> connectedEdges : adj.values()) {

This simply takes all the Edge s in adj and puts them all in one list, and then sorts them according to their weight (because we made Edge extend Comparable<Edge> ). As per the Javadoc on Collections.sort() , the sort() method uses merge sort, which runs in O(nlog(n)) time:

Implementation note: This implementation is a stable, adaptive, iterative mergesort that requires far fewer than n lg(n) comparisons when the input array is partially sorted, while offering the performance of a traditional mergesort when the input array is randomly ordered.

Getting the list of all Edge s by adj.values takes O(n) time (see this ), so the total time complexity of getting the list of edges sorted by weight will be O(n) + O(nlog(n)) = O(nlog(n)) .

So there you go. I hope this helped :)

If you have the freedom to change the way nodes are represented, I would like to suggest changing it. Currently the Node class really represents an edge (and a node is represented by Integer , ie, keys to the adj variable.

For example, the following seems more natural:

Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>(); // The enclosing class keeps track of all nodes.

// Represents each node.
class Node {
    int nodeId = /* ... */;

    // The Node class keeps track of its neighbors, sorted by their weights.
    SortedMap<Integer,Node> edges = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());

Then, whenever you need to do things in the descending order of the weight, you could do something like:

void method(Node node) {
    Iterator<Integer> iter = node.edges.keySet().iterator(); // Iterates in descending order.
    while(iter.hasNext()) {
        int weight = iter.next();
        Node neighbor = node.edges.get(weight);

        doSomething( /* ... */ );

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