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Call a Python function from within a C program

I have an application in C and at some point I need to solve a non-linear optimization problem. Unfortunately AFAIK there are very limited resources to do that in C (please let me know otherwise). However it is quite simple to do it in Python, eg scipy.optimize.minimize .

While I was trying to do that I encountered some of what it seems to be very frequent pitfalls, eg Python.h not found, module not loading, segmentation fault on function call, etc.

What is a quick and easy first-timer's way to link the two programs?

There are some things that you have to make sure are in place in order to make this work:

  1. Make sure you have Python installed (you may need the python-dev package).
  2. Locate your Python.h file, eg by locate Python.h . One of the occurrences should be in a sub(sub)folder in the include folder, eg the path should be something like ../include/python2.7/Python.h .
  3. Insert #include “<path_to_Python.h>" in your C code in order to be able to use the Python API.
  4. Use any tutorial to call your Python function. I used this one and it did the trick. However there were a couple of small points missing:

    • Whenever you use any Py<Name> function, eg PyImport_Import() , always check the result to make sure there was no error, eg

       // Load the module object pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); if (!pModule) { PyErr_Print(); printf("ERROR in pModule\\n"); exit(1); } 
    • Immediately after initializing the Python interpreter, ie after Py_Initialize(); , you have to append the current path to sys.path in order to be able to load your module (assuming it is located in your current directory):

       PyObject *sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys"); PyObject *path = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "path"); PyList_Append(path, PyString_FromString(".")); 
  5. Keep in mind that when you give the name of your Python file, it has to be without the extension .py .
  6. Lastly, you have to do the following during compiling/linking:
    • Remember the ../include/python2.7/Python.h file you used before? Include the include folder in the list of the header files directories with the -I option in the gcc options during compilation, eg -I /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include .
    • Also pass to the linker the folder with the required libraries. It should be inside the same folder where the include folder is located, eg -L /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib , along with the -lpython2.7 option (of course adjusting it accordingly to your Python version).

Now you must be able to successfully compile and execute your C program that calls in it your Python program.

I hope this was helpful and good luck!


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