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JavaScript Two-Dimensional array is undefined

I was trying to resolve my error with other answers but just fail. I have this simple example of what I think is two-dimensional array but it keeps returning me undefined error.

var city = 'London',
    country = 'England';

var locate = [];
locate['London']['England'] = ['Jhon','Mike'];

for (i = 0; i < locate[city][country].length; i++) {  

jsbin http://jsbin.com/pixeluhojawa/1/

what am I doing wrong in this example, I would appreciate your help.

Before you can assign a value to locate['London']['England'] , you'll have to make sure that locate['London'] is an object:

var locate = {};
locate['London'] = {};
locate['London']['England'] = ['Jhon','Mike'];

Notice how I used an object literal ( {} ) instead of an array literal ( [] ). Arrays don't support string keys like this. You'll need to use objects instead.

You can also declare it like this::

var locate = {

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