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turning a string into an array

var objectHTMLCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("select"),
string = [].map.call( objectHTMLCollection, function(node){
    return node.id || "";
}).join(" ");

I have this code which converts an [object HTMLCollection] into a string I am wanting to turn it into an array. So say they output was hello world I am here would become [hello,world,I,am,here]

You can use split(" ")

var stringArray = string.split(" "); 

OR you can prepare array while preparing string, see below code

var stringArray = new Array();
var objectHTMLCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("select"),
string = [].map.call( objectHTMLCollection, function(node){
    return node.id || "";
}).join(" ");

Map already returns an array. No need to turn it into a string then back into an array.

 var objectHTMLCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("select"), idarray = [].map.call( objectHTMLCollection, function(node){ return node.id || ""; }), string = idarray.join(' '); document.write('<div>String: ' + string + '<div>'); document.write('Array: ' + JSON.stringify(idarray) + '<div>'); 
 <select id='dsada1'></select> <select id='dsada2'></select> <select></select> <select id='dsada4'></select> <select id='dsada5'></select> <select id='dsada6'></select> <br/><br/> 

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