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Comparing strings from a text file

I am parsing a text file, and for some reason string::compare() isn't working as intended.

The text file: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WZDWmb56

The read function (called from inside while loop):

string StopName = "***";
    bool Person::ReadOnePersonFromFile(ifstream& fin)
        cout << m_name << endl;
        if( m_name == StopName )
            return false;
        fin >> m_id;
        return true;

Whenever "***" is reached, if( m_name == StopName ) doesn't return true . What is going on?

This function works on Windows (Visual Studio). I am currently compiling this on Linux. Does this have anything to do with how the text is stored?

看起来您在代码中比较的是StopName而不是Stop ,因此从未检查过“ ***”(假设StopStopName不是同一件事)。

Found my answer. I believe this is because of the way newline characters are encoded on Windows.

 Windows: \r\n  (CR + LF)
 Linux: \n 
 Mac: \r

I had to convert my Windows text file to a Unix text file with dos2unix . The program works fine.

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