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How to Print my Object name in Python

So I have a problem with this code:

class Cliente:
    def __init__(self,nome,telefone):
        self.nome = nome;
        self.telefone = telefone;

class Conta:
    def __init__(self,clientes,numero,saldo=0):
        self.saldo = saldo
        self.numero = numero
        self.clientes = clientes
    def resumo(self):
        print('Cliente: {0:s} CC Numero: {1:s} Saldo: {2:10.2f}'.format(self.clientes.nome, self.numero, self.saldo))
    def saque(self,valor):
        if self.saldo >= valor:
            self.saldo -= valor
    def deposito(self,valor):
        self.saldo += valor

When I go to test my class:

from tatu import Cliente
from tatu import Conta

joao = Cliente('Joao da Silva','666-6666')
maria = Cliente('Maria da Penha','234-5678')
conta1 = Conta(joao,'0138',1500)
conta2 = Conta([joao,maria],'0139',1000)

My second account don't print and I have this error:

print('Cliente: {0:s} CC Numero: {1:s} Saldo: {2:10.2f}'.format(self.clientes.nome, self.numero, self.saldo))
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'nome'

You are mixing types; sometimes your clientes is one Cliente instance, sometimes it is a list.

Always make it a list instead, and then loop over that list:

# account with just one client
conta1 = Conta([joao],'0138',1500)
# account with two clients
conta2 = Conta([joao,maria],'0139',1000)

and now that it is always a list, use a loop:

def resumo(self):
    for client in self.clientes:
        print('Cliente: {0:s} CC Numero: {1:s} Saldo: {2:10.2f}'.format(client.nome, self.numero, self.saldo))

or perhaps split out the client names list and print account number and saldo separately:

def resumo(self):
    for client in self.clientes:
        print('Cliente: {0:s}'.format(client.nome))
    print('CC Numero: {1:s} Saldo: {2:10.2f}'.format(self.numero, self.saldo))

self.clientes is not an instance of Cliente, it is a list of instances. The list itself does not have the nome property, only the instances do. You would need to iterate through.

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