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printing a list inside a triple quote

I would like to print elements of a list inside an email message.

I defined my list in my python script like:

exceptions = []

At the end of the script the list will have the following elements:

This is a boy.
This is a girl.
This is a dog.

I would like to print the elements of the list called 'exceptions' inside an email that is contrived in the python script.

fromaddr = 'xxx@xxx.com'
toaddrs  = 'xxx@xxx.com'

msg = """Subject:Big Bro FTP issue.
From: xxx@xxx.com
To:  xxx@xxx.com

print "Message length is " + repr(len(msg))

smtp_server = 'xxxxx.com'
smtp_username = 'xxxxxx'
smtp_password = 'xxxxxx'
smtp_port = '587'
smtp_do_tls = True

server = smtplib.SMTP(
host = smtp_server,
port = smtp_port,
timeout = 10

server.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
print server.quit()

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

i would prefer MIMEText

import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEText
msg = MIMEText("your_maeeage")
msg['From'] = <sender-email>
msg['To'] = <reciver-email>
msg['Subject'] = "your_subject"
server = smtplib.SMTP(<server>,<port>)

Format is a nice method to know which allows you to put place holders in a list. Of course, here you could simple append to the list, but it's useful. Use join to format the list of strings into a single string, here separated by a new line ( \\n ).

msg = """Subject:Big Bro FTP issue.
From: xxx@xxx.com
To:  xxx@xxx.com



msg = """Subject:Big Bro FTP issue.
    From: xxx@xxx.com
    To:  xxx@xxx.com
""" + '\n'.join(exceptions)

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