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vba transpose single row to multiple rows in an array

I would like to transpose comma separated values (or any delimiter) to multiple rows in an array. Most of the examples I'm seeing are saved to a range value in excel file. Could any please advise.



Ouput in Array so I could loop on each line for manipulation:


Here is the code I have so far. I have added comment on the debug.print part.

line = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Split(strFirstLine, ","))

ctr = 0
For ctr = LBound(line) To UBound(line)
    Debug.Print LBound(line) --value is 1
    Debug.Print UBound(line) --value is 13
    Debug.Print CStr(line(LBound(line))) --this line fails with "Subscript out of Range" error 
Next ctr

Let me know if you need more details. Any thoughts will be appreciated!

line here is a 2-d array, so you need to specify the dimension when using LBound or UBound , and you need both indexes when accessing a value:

line = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Split("row1,row2,row3", ","))

Debug.Print LBound(line, 1), UBound(line, 1) '1,3
Debug.Print LBound(line, 2), UBound(line, 2) '1,1

For ctr = LBound(line, 1) To UBound(line, 1)
    Debug.Print line(ctr, 1)
Next ctr

You can avoid transpose function. Simply use split and define row and column value where you want to save the split values and its done.

Check this code:

Sub try()
Dim Line() As String
Dim ctr, rw, cl As Integer

strFirstLine = "row1,row2,row3"

Line = Split(strFirstLine, ",")

ctr = 0
rw = 1
cl = 1
For ctr = LBound(Line) To UBound(Line)
    Cells(rw, cl) = Line(ctr)
    rw = rw + 1
Next ctr

End Sub

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