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SQL Server : WITH AS USING Incorrect Syntax Error

WITH t(num) AS (SELECT MAX(stok) FROM cd)

WITH y AS (SELECT cdno FROM cd,t WHERE cd.stok IN (t.num))

select * from y

I have this code thread. But is is not correct, I have some mistakes. I do not why please help .

When I am using with line 1 and select * from t is working but in this type that's not working .

You cannot have two CTE's (Common Table Expression) after another like this. If you to define two CTE, you need to use this syntax:

WITH t(num) AS 
    SELECT MAX(stok) 
    FROM cd
), y AS 
    SELECT cdno 
    FROM cd, t 
    WHERE cd.stok IN (t.num)

You can chain multiple CTE's after one another by separating them with a comma , and just leaving out the WITH keyword for the subsequent CTE's.

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