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linux/unix: script starting some command if some directory tree exists

I'm a linux newbie, so pardon me if you don't understand me :)

I have a problem that I need to run a command chmod 777 XXX (XXX is directory) but I cant login to it, but I can push UNIX script which will be executed to do this. But the problem is that I don't know in which path this script is started/placed :).

IN DETAIL: I need script which will check if relative path (directory tree) CCCC/YYY/XXX exists on this machine somewhere and if it exists following command needs to be started on this directory chmod 777 XXX . (XXX should be resolved to absolute path :))

I did some test with find, but no real result.

The locate command will help you here:

if output=$( locate "$path_part" 2>/dev/null ); then
    grep "$path_part$" <<< "$output" |
    while IFS= read -r dir; do
        # do something in "$dir"

locate requires you to run updatedb -- your system may run it already periodically.

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